Bunny Butt Wreath Attachment - White or Blush Pink

Bunny Butt Wreath Attachment - White or Blush Pink
Please help us sell 100 Bunny Butts!
100% of sales will go to help our “Fluffy Butt”, Otis, to help pay for his ongoing vet bill. Otis contracted a feline virus from a stray cat that we fed outside our home. He became dehydrated before the anti-virus meds could take effect and went into full Renal(kidney) failure. He has been at the ER vet for 7 days, but we still have hope that he will pull through.
On day 1 we began fluids and meds intravenously. On day 3 the virus was getting better so we started stronger meds to help his kidneys. On day 5 we surgically added a feeding tube for some much needed calories to help him heal. On day 7 we checked his blood for the fourth time to see if his numbers looked better and, they are slowly decreasing….which is GOOD! We still have hope.
I made him a promise on day one that if he keeps fighting, I will do everything i can to give him every opportunity to come home.
Thank you for purchasing one of our Classic Bunny Butt Wreath Attachments and know that every sale will help us to continue fighting for him.
*update day 11…Otis is coming home at night for much needed snuggles and staying days at the vet so they can monitor his medication. We are so happy at his progress!